200 Bottles/H 5 Gallon Water Bottling Plant

Total $13,430

All follow 6 set 5 gallon bottling machine was included in the total price. Complete 5 gallon 200bottles/h water bottling plant for sales.

5 Gallon bottled water filling bottling plant

200 Bottles/H 5Gallon Water Bottling Plant

Power10.2 KW
Packaged Cube16 cube
Weight880 Kg
Water Cost5800 Liter Per Hour

Video of the 200BPH Complete 5 Gallon Water Bottling Plant

Complete mineral water plant is automatic. Worker need feed the empty bottle which got back from customer. Then it will automatic removed the cap. The conveyor belt will moving it to the brusher outside and inside washing the bottle.

Then the bottle loading machine will automatic loading the brushed bottle to the 5 gallon water filling machine. The filling machine colledct push washing, filling and pressure capping in one machine. The push wshing have 4 station, first is water washing, second is NaOH medicine washing, thrid is city water washing, fourth is the purified water washing.

Then finished capper bottled water will conveyor to lamp light check and bottle mouth label steam shrinking.

200BPH Complete 5 Gallon Water Bottling Plant Included All Follow 6 Set Machinery

5 gallon water filling bottling plant

5 gallon bottle cap pulled removed machine

Cap Pulled Machine200 Bottles/H $ 1580

It is applicable for the 5 gallons recycle empty bottle cap pulled. Its design smart and simple. effective cap pulled.

5 gallon bottle water outside and inside brusher washing machine

Outside & Inside Brush Machine 200 Bottles/H $ 4680

Just a short sentence. This is just a demo text you should overwrite.

5 gallon bottle take 180 degree loading machine

Bottle Loading Machine200 Bottles/H $ 1500

It is used to feeding and loading the 5 gallons recycle empty bottle to the filling. It will turn the empty bottle 180 degree.

5 gallon cap washing and loading machine

Cap Washing & Loading Machine200 Bottles/H $ 1500

It is used to washing and loading the 5 gallon-cap to the filling machine. The washing is ozone water washing

5 gallon water filling machine

5 Gallon Water Filling Machine200 Bottles/H $ 3170

NaOH washing, city water washing, pure water washing, filling and capping all in one machine.

5 gallon bottled water mouth steam sealing machine

Steam Mouth Sealing Machine200 Bottles/H $ 1000

It is used to heating and sealing the 5 gallons bottled water.